Welcome to the
New Zealand Natural Medicine Association
Incorporated (NZNMA)
The NZNMA was established in the early 1990s as a professional, non-profit organization of Health Professionals dedicated to the Promotion of Integrative Healthcare, incorporating Allopathic, Complementary and Alternative Healthcare.
The aims of the association include research and education in all aspects of nutritional and environmental medicine, as they pertain to the preservation of health and prevention of disease, providing treatment options to optimise health in the community.
The NZNMA is independent of all governments, government agencies and other organisations and relies solely on Membership fees for funding.
The NZNMA Defines Natural Medicine as:
Natural Medicine. A system of advanced health care used to help promote, maintain or restore optimal health through the proficient application of selected natural modalities, in accordance with the homeostatic mechanisms inherent in all human beings.

Referral Service
A practitioner referral service is provided on this site. Those unable to access the Internet may call the Secretary to be placed in touch with an appropriate health practitioner in their locality. This service is available throughout New Zealand.

is defined as the study of the interactions of both nutritional and environmental factors with human physiology, biochemistry, pathology and anatomy and the clinical application of these interactions in the optimisation of health and the prevention and treatment of disease. This may involve the removal of certain foods or chemicals from the patient's environment, the use of rotation diets and the provision of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and essential fatty acids or other nutritional supplements. Excesses or deficiencies of any nutrient or the presence of basic chemicals or electromagnetic radiation results in cellular dysfunction and illness.

Natural health Science
The NZNMA is governed by the Executive Management Committee who control the management of the administration of the affairs, property and funds of the society, and have the authority to interpret the meaning of the rules of the society and any matter relating to the Society.

Referral Service
A practitioner referral service is provided on this site. Those unable to access the Internet may contact the Secretary to be placed in touch with an appropriate health practitioner in their locality. This service is available throughout New Zealand.

Natural Health Sciences
Natural Health Sciences is defined as the study of the interactions of both nutritional and environmental factors with human physiology, biochemistry, pathology and anatomy. It includes the clinical application of these interactions in the optimisation of health and the prevention and treatment of disease.
This may involve the removal of certain foods or chemicals from the patient's environment, the use of rotation diets and the provision of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and essential fatty acids or other nutritional supplements.
Excesses or deficiencies of any nutrient or the presence of basic chemicals or electromagnetic radiation results in cellular dysfunction and illness.
The NZNMA is governed by the Executive Management Committee who control the management of the administration, the affairs, property and funds of the society, and have the authority to interpret the meaning of the rules of the society and any matter relating to the Society.
Find Out More and How You Can Join Us
Our last AGM was held on Thursday the 20th June 2019. If you are interested in attending the next AGM on Thursday the 25th June 2020,
please contact the secretary leanne@nznma.com
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Carole W.
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James A.
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Susan V.
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Annette B.
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The NZNMA Mission Statement
- To facilitate the integration of and promote harmonious relationships with Allopathic, Complementary and Alternative HealthCare modalities in New Zealand .
- To promote high ethical standards of practice and professionalism within the HealthCare sector
- To communicate, foster and promote the benefits of Complementary and Alternative Medicine/Integrative Medicine
- To act and promote NZNMA’s goals without being aligned to any one political persuasion or party.
- To foster and encourage applied research and educational development into the causes, prevention and cure of disease; based on complementary and alternative medicine/integrated medical science.
- To promote the understanding and development of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by conducting educational activities such as conferences, seminars and workshops among the HealthCare community and the lay public.
- To establish and provide a Complementary and Alternative Medicine library, for the use of members.
- To produce NZNMA publications.
- To liaise with other organisations, bodies and individuals, having similar objectives and interests both within New Zealand and overseas.
Our Levels of Membership were updated and as of the 1st of September 2019, these are our New Levels of Membership.

We now have 4 Categories of Membership, with Associate Natural Medicine Practitioner having 4 separate levels, depending on the amount of credits and years in practice.
- Full Professional Membership
- Associate Membership
- Student Membership
- Honorary Membership
Full Professional Membership
This consists of two levels, depending on Credits and Experience.
The two Levels of Full Processional Membership consists of either an Advanced Natural Medicine Practitioner or a Natural Medicine Practitioner
A) Advanced Natural Medicine Practitioner: This is a practitioner who complies with all the requirements of a Natural Medicine Practitioner AND ALSO has a minimum of 550 credits (or its equivalent) in relevant academic training.
B) Natural Medicine Practitioner: May be granted to an applicant providing they have undertaken recognised courses of training of their considered equivalent in
- Health sciences involving Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry and Nutrition
- A recognised Practice modality and
- Recognised diagnostic techniques and has received a recognised academic award of at least 360 credits or its equivalent and
- Has been in FULL TIME clinical practice, in the modalities they are wanting to be registered in, for a minimum of five years OR
- He/She passes an examination set by the academic authority appointed by the Executive and satisfies the executive that he/she is competent to practice as a member of the organisation.
Associate Membership
Associate Membership
Open to someone who is a Natural Health Practitioner, acceptable to the Association. There are four Levels in this category, which are:
Level 1: 120 credits (Single diploma)
Level 2: 240 credits (Double diploma)
Level 3: 360 credits (i.e Bachelors Degree) but not sufficient clinical experience. After 5 years they can become a Full Member
Level 4: More than 550 credits (say a MD) but less than 5 years clinical experience. These members will automatically become a Full Advanced Natural Medicine Practitioner after 5 years of Level 4 Membership.
Associate Members could advance their Level of Membership by obtaining further training, as they also gain clinical experience.
For example, an Associate Member with a Double diploma could obtain an additional diploma and reach 360 credits and also gain clinical experience, and this could then allow them to progress to Full Membership.
The Level of membership will be stated on the Annual practicing certificate.
Student Membership
Student Membership
May be granted to a person enrolled in a course in Health Studies at an approved teaching establishment, or other establishment approved by the association.
A Student who is no longer actively engaged in studies at an approved teaching institution may have their membership withdrawn, as seen fit by the Executive Management Committee.
Students do not have voting rights at an official NZNMA Meeting. This includes AGM's and any Special Meetings.
Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership
May be granted by the discretion of the Executive and is applicable for the life of the recipient and is only granted under exceptional circumstances or in recognition of services rendered to the Health Professions over an extended time frame.
A person who is admitted Honorary Membership shall be so without accreditation as a Natural Health Practitioner.
Honorary Membership entitles Full Voting Rights, abilities to hold an Executive Position and No fees payable to the association for the Term of their natural life.
Grandfather Provision
Applicants seeking Full Membership without all the required academic qualifications may apply for a “GRANDFATHER ENTRY”. This will take into account the number of years the practitioner has been in full time practice and the experience that this has afforded him/her.
For further details, see 7. ENTRY STANDARDS in the NZNMA Application form, on the Join Page, where this can be downloaded.
The NZNMA requires ALL members to complete a Minimum of 20 hours per year of continued education. Proof of this, in the way of photocopies of “Certificate of Attendance”, is to be provided to the NZNMA Secretary,
at the beginning of each financial year (1st April) when subscriptions are paid.
Once you have been accepted as a Member of the NZNMA, you may also want to consider sending in an Application to join Natural Health Practitioners of New Zealand "the charter" (previously called The New Zealand Charter of Health Practitioners)
Once you become a financial member of the charter, you may choose to pay for Professional Indemnity Insurance through them, to practice in the modalities you are registered in.
Apply For Membership Now
New Zealand Natural Medicine Association Inc © 2021 All Rights . PO Box 101 504, North Shore, AUCKLAND 0745 . Contact Us . Terms of Service . Privacy Policy