Thursday, June 6th 2024
06:00 PM
Our Next AGM will be held on the 6th June 2024, at 6pm. Email the secretary for further details
A Very Sad Loss
It is with a heavy heart that I write that on
Sunday 28th April 2024
Dr Mike Godfrey passed away surrounded by Loved ones.
You were a brave pioneer and a huge inspiration. You changed the lives of countless numbers of people for the better.
Your dedication to Natural Health in New Zealand has been enormous, and your passing will affect many people.
Rest in Peace, Mike.
- We held our AGM in June 2023 and these are the people who were elected onto the executive:
- Executive Board
- President Joseph Sutich
- Vice President Dr Vesna Zdravkovic
- Registrar Dr Vesna Zdravkovic
- Secretary/Treasurer Leanne James
- Executive Committee
Robyn Michael, Wendy Hamilton & Patrick Fahy
An Important Message from Paddy Fahy, Chairman of Natural Health Alliance.
If you have been following the news, you will be aware of the opportunity that 'we' the people of New Zealand have for ensuring that we get the COVD Response Inquiry that we need.
This is an invaluable opportunity to hold the bureaucrats who were driving the COVID response accountable for what happened to all of us over the past 4 years.
It was health sector bureaucrats in NZ and in many countries around the world who drove the COVID Response and created the Govt narrative and thus the propaganda that we were bombarded with 24/7 on TV, Radio and in the print media.
By ensuring that new terms of reference are appropriate, we can have our voices heard.
New Zealand First campaigned for the election in 2023 on having 'a full scale, wide ranging, independent inquiry conducted publicly with local and international experts, into how the Covid pandemic was handled in New Zealand'.
Undoubtedly this policy was key to seeing NZF to return to Parliament in a strong position to have this policy written into the coalition agreement.
The current Royal Commission set up by the Labour Government has very limited terms of reference and thus the truth about what happened, how it happened and why it happened would never be allowed to emerge
To achieve the type of Inquiry that New Zealanders need will require significant modification of the terms of reference and likely the appointment of new commissioners that are completely independent of Govt and the pharmaceutical industry.
For this to happen, massive public support will be necessary to show the Govt and the bureaucracy that they are accountable. New Zealand First will be pushing hard but the level of public support received will determine the outcome.
National and ACT are likely to be less than supportive given their lack of enthusiasm to challenge the Labour Govt's Covid policies.
Because this is so important to all of us, Reality Check Radio (which is funded by donations) has stepped up to the plate with a nationwide media campaign.
This campaign is aimed at getting New Zealanders to back a 'People’s Petition’ and present 100,000 signatures to parliament re new Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission.
Its time fight back. We have only until the 24th March to make our voices heard. The more we can get the message out there, the more Kiwis will see it and join us
If we want to make all those responsible for what happened to us over the past three years accountable this is our one and only opportunity to do so.
You will note that the ads are seeking to attract the ‘middle’ ground. We know we have the Freedom community onboard but we need to have all the others who were in some way negatively impacted by the Labour Govt’s COVID policies.
If we all sit back and do nothing, what we have been through since 2020 can happen again and most likely it will.
Many thanks
Patrick Fahy
Natural Health Alliance
Join tens of thousands of Kiwis demanding an independent, full-scale, wide-ranging, public inquiry into NZ's Covid response.
HAVE YOUR SAY! Add your name to The People's Terms today! Check out: www.covidinquiry.co.nz